There's a bugga in my booka

Code and design by Emma Fattori

Story by Lisa Fattori

What are your pronouns?

loved to read in the meadow. There the grass was soft and yellow

The sun hazy dazily shone, and the birds chirped a chirpity song;

giggled a ticked tee-hee! What a wonderful place indeed to read.

But, as turned the page and grinned, Something was staring back at .

A ladybug dressed in rockety red, With little black polka dots from their toe to their head;

"How do you do?" buzzed the ladybug in freckled attire.

Dropping the book, shouted and cried...

"Oh no looka there's a bugga in my booka!"

Cartoon photo of ladybug

Then ran home, shivered and shook, Frightened to find a bug in the book.

loved to read by the brook, Where sparkily water sprayed small foot;

Frogs hiccupped, hippity-hop; And fish swam slippery-slop;

giggled a tickled tee-hee. What a wonderful place, indeed, to read.

Cartoon frog image

But, as turned the page and grinned, Something was staring back at ;

A dragon fly fluttered big fluttery wings, And wriggled a wormy dance, of all things;

The dragon fly breathed a fiery "Hi!"

Dropping the book, shouted and cried...

"Oh no looka there's a bugga in my booka!"

Cartoon photo of dragonfly

Then ran home, shivered and shook, Frightened to find a bug in the book.

loved to read in the flower garden, Where flowers bloomed pink, purple and tartan;

And vines love to snuggle the sweet smelly scent, And dance with petals all dewy and wet;

giggled a tickled tee-hee! What a wonderful place, indeed, to read

But, as turned the page and grinned, Something was staring back at ;

A big bumble bee, all fury and fat, his jacket was buttered in yellow and black;

"HI HONEY!" bellowed the bee, as he buzzed busily by, Dropping the book, shouted and cried,

"Oh no looka there's a bugga in my booka!"

Cartoon photo of bee

Then ran home, shivered and shook, Frightened to find a bug in the book.

Now was sad, books were all gone, Little by little, lost every one;

No more reading in favourite spots, No more words like glippity-glop;

boo-hoo-hooed tears from eyes, And sob-sob-sobbed a sad little cry.

Photo of cartoon book

Then up above heard a buzzzzz, And laughed and clapped because

saw books, each one, up high,

Why they were flying in the sky! skippity-skipped and hippity-hopped, Oh Happy! Happy! books were not lost!

As the books grew nearer and bigger looked, And saw a big bug carry each book;

The red lady bug and fluttering dragon fly, They flittered their wings (Oh my they were strong!) And flew 's books right into arms.

kissed the bugs, and tickled their ears.

For they were friends, had nothing to fear;

And now when reads in favourite spots, Words like "booka" and "glippity-glop";

buzzes the bugs and they buzz back, They chase one another, and loudly laughs,